Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Burger King Drive Thru

I pull up to the drive thru order box thingie...
Drive Thru Attendant (in a very incoherent, Rocky Balboa manner): Welcome to fdsjaoi eauieafe... sandwich fa; jfioeawifafkaf... try it?
Me: Uhhh... well I have no idea what you just said, but can I have an Original Chicken Sandwich, please?
DTA (chuckling): Oh, I was just telling you about our new Italian Chicken Sandwich, that has mozzarella and marinara sauce. Would you like to try it?
Me: Oh. No thanks. Can I just get the Original Chicken Sandwich meal with an orange soda, please?
DTA: Okay. Your total is $5.93. Next window please...

I pull up to the next window, where the cashier is waiting to take my payment. I hand her my credit card...
Drive Thru Cashier: $5.93 please... thank you, and we had to keep that up because of what was going on when we didn't...
I'm staring blankly at her, thinking she may be talking to someone on the other end of the headset she's wearing.
DTC: ...because what was happening was that when we didn't keep it up, things would happen. And if you didn't do it, you'd be murdered...
I'm now peering around to see if someone is behind her or something, but she's looking square at me. I realize now that she is evidently answering some mysterious question that I never asked.
DTC: ... and so that was the policy that the company maintained, and we kept that confidential. Okay? Here's your credit card and receipt. Your order will be ready for you at the next window.
Me: Ha... Thanks...

At the next window, the DTA is waiting to give me my order... He makes small talk with me about my tattoo and has a big grin plastered on his face. I would've thought it was way creepy if he hadn't actually been really cute and young.

But anyway, I just thought I'd share my bizarre Burger King experience. I'm really really curious to know what that woman was talking about.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's not just a legend anymore...

This weekend, I went up to Pennsylvania with my sister, brother in law, and nephews to spend a Day out with Thomas (the Tank Engine, in case you didn't guess it or click on the link). Before you start thinking things: Yes, I am a loser who doesn't have her own husband or kids, so I hang out with my sister's family and yes, I enjoy spending time with my nephew and doing kids' things. Incidentally, I found out what a huge rockstar Thomas really is. I mean, he's just a blue tank engine, but kids LOVE him. Several were donned in Thomas gear, and when that train pulled up to the station, it was like Michael Jackson in the '80s.

Anyway, after a long, hot day on the Strasburg Railroad, we all headed home, but I was starving and asked if we could stop at a drive-thru or something so I could eat. I was initially looking for a Burger King. I love their Original Chicken Sandwich, and their french fries are 10x better than McDonald's, as far as I'm concerned. As we're driving, I see KFC, McDonald's, Wendy's, A&W........ No Burger King.

But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it... like a shining beacon. No, it was not Burger King. Rather, it was the stuff of legends... my Holy Grail of Fast Food. It was a Sonic. Yes, people, a SONIC. I'd seen the commercials - the oh so hilarious commercials - and wondered where the hell there was a Sonic anywhere within a hundred miles of me. I'd been lusting after their slushes, which are half price during their "Happy Hour." I craved their all day breakfast selections. And I longed to be one of the girls who ordered the "two fried ice cream" Blasts. And now... now I got to be one of those people. Like a loser, I "ooh"-ed and "ahh"-ed over their menu. I think it literally took us 15 minutes to make a decision.

I settled on a bacon cheeseburger and a watermelon Slush. Holy crap, that was one of the best fast food burgers I've ever had. I think it comes second only to In-and-Out Burgers in CA. The Slush was the perfect drink for that morbidly hot day, and we went home satisfied.

It's not just a legend anymore. I got my Sonic fix. I got to sit in that little drive-in booth, where the servers bring the food to your car. I got to pretend (just in my head, though) that I was in one of those commercials. It was totally worth making my brother in law cross 3 lanes of traffic to get to it.

Sonic, I love you, and I wish you'd open up a location in the Washington Metro area.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Autumn is here...

You know how I can tell? I mean, besides the fact that it's September...

I walk outside in the morning on the way to work, and that brisk chill hits me. No, it's not what one would consider "cold," I guess. But it's a little nippy. Then I walk out again at lunch, and it's boiling hot. I go home in the evening, and it's chilly again.

But the mornings especially get me. I feel that chill in the air and all of a sudden, I'm 15 again... Standing at the goddamn bus stop, waiting to go to school. I'm freezing my nips off. "Why not dress more warmly?" you ask? Well, because I went to private school. Yeah, that's right. I'm a Catholic school girl - a less slutty version of what girls dress up as on Halloween, but way cooler than Mary Katherine Gallagher (superstar!). By high school, when I was deemed old enough to take the bus, I was on my own getting to school. I stood out there wearing that Godforsaken skirt... and it was a kilt (i.e. it was pleated and wrapped around as opposed to being something you step into), which was especially precarious on windy days. I had one of two options: a.) wear those hideous "flesh" colored tights to keep myself warm or 2.) wear sweatpants under my skirt, which was the option most often exercised by me. Only problem with that one was if I was late to school... because then I'd have to scramble to get the damned things off and into my locker before my first class started. What can I say? I'm clumsy.

I miss high school, but I do NOT miss the bus. I do NOT miss lugging my heavy backpack while TAKING the bus. I do not miss the hoots and hollers from random men and day laborers while WAITING FOR the bus. I do not miss freezing my ass off because of some stupid skirt. I thank God for my drivers' license and the right to wear pants!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I had a piece of cake yesterday that tasted like Tootsie Rolls.

Too bad I don't like Tootsie Rolls...............

Daffy and Donald

Why doesn't the cartoon world like ducks? Disney and Warner Brothers. I think anyone would agree that they have traditionally been considered the two cartoon powerhouses, at least in America. Disney has Mickey. Warner Brothers has Bugs. The arch-nemesis for both characters? A duck. Mickey : Donald::Bugs : Daffy

Why is that? Why ducks? Is there something about them that seemed particularly disagreeable to the cartoon creators of yesteryear? I mean, I guess Disney didn't make Donald SO evil. He and Mickey are actually friends to an extent... but Donald has some bitterness towards Mickey, for sure. As far as Bugs and Daffy go, I don't know why we're supposed to love Bugs so much. If you watch any cartoon with them together, Bugs Bunny is as much of an asshole as Daffy is. They just set it up so that we know we're supposed to like Bugs better.

So what's the preoccupation with angry ducks? Why not geese? From my own personal experience, I know that geese are WAY more surly than ducks could ever be.

Damned geese.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Okay, so it has begun...

Let me preface this by saying that, yes, I am a registered democrat.

That being said, I am going to make some commentary on the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

Obviously, I spent much more time watching the DNC vs the few minutes of the RNC that I'm currently catching. Fred Thompson is speaking at the moment...

At first look, the RNC has a decidedly different energy than the DNC. The DNC was much more exciting... exemplified more hope and joy. I don't know about the other speeches that preceded Thompson's, and I understand that his point is to showcase the courage and dedication of John McCain to our country, but it was definitely depressing. I totally respect John McCain for his military history and his allegiance to the United States, but that's not to say that Obama isn't equally dedicated.

Watching the RNC, I can see why the republican party maintains the epithet of GOP (Grand Old Party). As the camera pans around to the crowd, most of the spectators look to be senior citizens. Gray or white hair... wrinkles... old fashioned clothes. Even the young men are wearing polka dot bowties. I swear, I saw a straw hat in there somewhere. I get tradition. I understand it's value. But I also understand the value of progress and change.

I'm getting pretty sick of these folks criticizing Barack Obama and his "celebrity" status. Yeah, he's popular. You know why? Because people want to see something in this country change. And truthfully, I think it's ridiculous and hypocritical that the people who are bad-mouthing Obama as a celebrity represent the same party to has elected such celebrities as Ronald Reagan (actor) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor and body builder) into office. And Fred Thompson? I knew him first as an actor on Law & Order. Sonny Bono? Recording artist turned mayor - Republican. Clint Eastwood? Actor turned mayor - Republican. So I guess it's okay to be a celebrity turned politician, but not a politician who has gained celebrity because of his high ideals.

Whatever. This is just my current commentary. I can't speak on much more because I don't know enough about the republican party and their history or whatever. But stay tuned for more once the debates start.