Thursday, August 5, 2010


Okay, so after a (close to) 2 year hiatus from my blog, I decided to revive it. Mildly random, yes, but then so is this whole blog. I was reading Paul's earlier today, and it reminded me of how much I actually liked writing in this thing, so now I'm back. And you wanna hear something really pathetic? I was reading some of my old posts and they were cracking me up. It made me realize how many ridiculous moments I have on a day-to-day basis... and how easily frustrated I am.

So what to write about now? Oh, right. Let's talk about how I cracked my AFO today.

AFO = Ankle-Foot Orthotic. I wear one on my right leg because my foot is paralyzed from the ankle down. I can still walk without it, but really only around the house. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, this is what they typically look like:

So today, my boss' son was in the office. He's 8, and a total sweetheart. We had been bonding over barbecue chips and his hunt for the mice that seem to be infesting our office building. (Yes, I know, it's problematic.) At the end of the day, they're getting ready to go home, and he's in his mom's office with this back to the door. I think it might be funny to kind of sneak up behind him and try to startle him. (I never said I was terribly mature.) So I took a mini-leap into my boss' office, but my left/good foot kind of trips on the wood in the doorway and I land a little awkwardly and hear this snapping sound. I thought I might have popped the strap of my AFO, but I started walking a little bit, and everything felt fine. Well, I started walking back to my own office and something felt a little loose. I sat down and looked, and I had managed to crack my AFO, starting from the right side of the ankle horizontally across and just past where my Achilles tendon is. And when I say "crack," I mean "break". It looks kind of like when you break a fingernail.

So my dumbass now has to make an appointment to be plaster-casted and fitted for a new AFO, which may take a day or two to actually get. I may or may not be staying home from work tomorrow because I am afraid to walk around and completely snap the thing in half. And my mobility is now even more impaired than it was before. The lesson here? Don't try to sneak up on children for your own amusement.

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