Monday, June 30, 2008

Pet Peeve #123043240932

Yeah, I have a lot of pet peeves. What can I say? I'm easily perturbed...

It really "grinds my gears" when people call you on business (i.e. a client or a vendor calling) and, instead of stating their purpose at the beginning of the call, just start talking about whatever it is they're calling about like you're just supposed to know who they are and to what they're referring.

I mean, come on. Do you really think YOU'RE the only person calling me and asking me questions, or that YOURS is the only issue I'm dealing with? No. I have several things on my plate, so I'd appreciate it if, when you call, you state your name, company, and an introduction to your business with me on this phone call rather than just jumping into whatever your issue is as if you're the only person I've spoken to all day.


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