But the next exhibit was really awesome. It was at the 6th & I Synagogue - an exhibit called "Soul Cages" by Joshua Cogan. His background is in anthropology, and his work has obviously taken him to some really interesting places where he's been able to take some amazing photographs. His photos really capture moments and places, helping the viewer to feel like he or she has been there, too. And besides what his photos can teach you, they're beautiful specimens of color and composition. If I had an extra $400 lying around, I'd totally buy a framed print for my house. Here's an example of one - Masai women of Tanzania:

The exhibit also included photos taken in Ethiopia, India, Washington DC, and Jamaica. Check out more of his stuff at http://www.joshuacogan.com.
I really wish I had the time to hone my photography skills... Anyway, if you have time in what's left of this week, I highly suggest checking out an exhibit or two. See the events at http://www.fotoweek.org. Happy photo viewing!