Friday, October 24, 2008

I wonder...

Ya know, I wonder what it's like to be nice to EVERYBODY, even if you don't like them. I mean, I am pretty good at being fake, but truthfully, it drains me. If I don't like you, you're gonna know it. I won't be mean to you. I won't say horrid things to you. I won't abuse you. I won't ANYTHING you. I guess that's how you know: I can kinda treat you like you don't exist.

But in the office, you witness fakeness all the time. And I don't mean being professional. I can be professional. If I have to work with you, and I don't like you, I'll still work with you and get shit done. But don't expect me to go to lunch with you, or converse with you outside the scope of our work. I just mean that there are people that I work with who I KNOW don't like other people. Yet they manage to carry on conversations with them, and joke with them, and act like nothing is going on. I kind of envy that ability... KIND OF.

I just wonder what it must be like to be able to do that. Because, I gotta tell ya, I am COMPLETELY incapable of it.

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