Friday, August 8, 2008

Dang doctors...

So I thought I broke my foot. I say "thought" because my right foot is paralyzed and I can't feel much of anything. However, I tripped on it and a few days later, I noticed some really bad bruising and odd discolorations. I wear an AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) that helps me walk and basically immobilizes my foot. I didn't originally go to the doctor because I already have the brace, and I figured that, if my foot was broken, they wouldn't cast it up anyway. Well, after I noticed the bruising, thought a check up was in order.

ANYWAY, I go to the doctor's office for my 1145 appt, which I was a good 10 minutes early for. The doctor didn't actually SEE me until 1300 (that's 1pm)... Yeah, I waited over an hour to be seen by the doctor. I mean, come on. What is the point of making an appointment if something like that is going to happen??? Well, I get in there, and after he abuses my foot, he tells me I need to get X-rays, but they don't have an X-ray machine in house... So now I have to go to a radiology center to get it done. And the place closes at 1630. I have to leave work 1.5 hours early in order to get there before they close... And THEN he wants me to come back THE NEXT DAY to look at the X-rays. I get all that crap done, come back and see him (mind you, I have to pay the copay both times, so I've now wasted $30, not including parking because they don't validate), and he tells me that my foot is fine... no breaks, no sprains. And even if it were broken, he says, they just would've used my brace to immobilize it rather than casting it up.

Great. So basically, I've now spent $30+ and 3.5 hours on a diagnosis that I gave myself a week ago. Complete waste of time. And people wonder why I self-diagnose.

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