Sunday, August 10, 2008

I guess there really IS someone for everyone...

I was at my parents' house, and my mom happened to be watching We TV... She likes those channels that are clearly geared towards women. Anyway, they have this show called "Rich Bride, Poor Bride," where they showcase the planning of a couple's wedding and go over their budgets. I happened to walk in on episode with a particularly abrasive bride. Here's some choice dialogue between bride (B) and groom (G)...

While spray painting fans that would become guest favors
G: So how do I do this?
B: Are you seriously asking me how to spray a can of paint? Do you really not know how to do this? I mean, it doesn't take a college degree to spray paint something...

While purchasing umbrellas for the bridesmaids, after the groom was 30 minutes late... The bride wants to buy 5 of the exact same umbrella, in different colors.
G: Why are you buying all of those? You only need one...
B: No, because I haven't made a decision on which one I want yet.
G: Yeah, but that's a waste. You can't just waste money like that.
B: Yes, I can, because I haven't chosen which one I want yet, and I'm going to buy them all because you really upset me by being late today.

While sitting with the wedding planner (WP) to discuss the fact that they're going over their budget
WP: Now, there seem to be a lot of little expenses that are causing you guys to start to reach the max on your budget... You might need to cut back on some things that may be unnecessary.
B: Well, I made it clear to both of you that this is MY wedding and I'm going to spend whatever I need to spend to make it my perfect day.
WP: I understand that, but you guys need to be on the same page. Tony (the groom) is paying for all of this stuff, and it's his wedding, too...
B: But it's MY wedding, and I want everything to be perfect...
G: No, it's OUR wedding, and we need to come to an agreement on these things, and the spending is getting out of hand... I want us to have some money for our future, too.
B: Fine, then do you want our guests to just eat on paper plates? Because that's what we'll do then. I'm not giving up the things that I want.

B (in an aside to the camera): A budget is just a budget. It's not set in stone and I'm going to spend all the money it takes to get what I want.
They later show her buying "Moulin Rouge" themed outfits for her bridal party at her bachelorette night... totaling over $425, which she charged to the groom's credit card.

The bride apparently wants a "signature shot" to be served at the bar at her reception. They go to a mixologist to create it, and they try some samples.
G: (after the 2nd sample) I like this one, this is good.
B: No, that's nasty...
G: I think the guests will really like it.
B: I don't care. I don't like it.
G: But you're not the only one who will be drinking it.
B: Are you not listening to me? I said, I DON'T CARE. Do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? I. DON'T. CARE.

At the actual ceremony, there were fountains that were supposed to start up during their wedding kiss, but they didn't go off. She declares, while still standing at the altar in front of the priest, "The fountains didn't go off!!!" I know that a wedding is really important. As a woman, I know that you want everything to be perfect. And I've seen some serious bridezillas on TV before, but I've never seen a woman who treated her wedding like such a show before. I mean, usually, the woman ultimately realizes that it is a ceremony where she is bonded to the man she loves. The whole time, all she was concerned about was the logistics and her tiara and her big princess dress. Ultimately, they went almost $10,000 over budget (which, I must say is RIDICULOUS), but she obviously didn't care. I am astounded that she found a man to marry her... So I guess there really is someone for everyone.

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