Friday, August 22, 2008

The Last Woman on Earth

It's Friday at 4:00pm... and everyone has left the office.

Okay, I lie. Not EVERYONE has left the office - just everyone in my particular office suite area. I feel like the last woman on Earth. It's oddly silent, except for this bizarre rattling that I hear coming from somewhere in the wall. It's really driving me nuts because I can't pinpoint the source, nor can I tell what it could be. So I've decided to turn up the Pandora to drown out both the rattling and the lack of voices.

One of our programs is down, which has severly cut my productivity... Not a bad thing, as my brain stopped functioning properly a few hours ago. Potentially, I could leave, but I know that the minute I shut my computer down and start heading out, my phone will start ringing or someone from down the hall will find me with something they need ASAP.

("ASAP"... I hate that acronym. I don't even like using it, because it has an odd connotation. I mean, people read it, and automatically think "rush." But it stands for, "as soon as possible." I see it in emails and letters to me several times a day. I know the author means "rush" or "right now." But I take it for what it really means. And, dagnabit - yes, I said that - if it's not possible right this minute, then it's going to wait until it is possible. Because that's what that means, right? "As soon as possible?" As far as I'm concerned, if the time that is "possible" for me isn't the time you need it by, then you should've been more specific.)

I just read back what I've written so far, and why the hell am I being so damned proper? I mean, I know I'm not being totally gramatically correct, but this is my GD blog. What ever happened to me just writing shit??? I'm supposed to just let it spew forth, right? Well, I'm over work and I want to leave and get my weekend started, so I'm really gonna turn my brain off and write the way I talk. Fuck it. And, yeah, for those of you who don't know me, I cuss. A LOT. Get used to it, or find a computer that'll put that little black rectangle over all of my fuckin' cuss words.

Oh jeez... I hear someone walking down the hall towards me, and it sounds like they have purpose. DAMMIT!

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