Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An Open Letter to the Safeway by My House

Dear Safeway,

Why do you and your staff insist on torturing me with your incompetence? Why is it that a trip to visit you never takes less than 30 minutes, even at 11pm when all I'm purchasing is milk and lotion and there is only one other customer in the store? What is the point of having 10 registers if you'll only ever have 2 of them open at any given point in time? Why is it that you only seem to hire employees who have had little to no human interaction in their lives, causing them to be stiff and awkward when placed in a customer service position?

So here's the deal, in no particular order or organization: I don't care to hear your staff arguing with each other. It makes the customer uncomfortable when they have to be subjected to coworkers who very clearly don't enjoy each other's company and are on a point of disagreement with each other... Please please PLEASE, for the love of God, open up more registers during "normal" shopping hours. One regular line and one express line, contrary to what you may believe, is not enough. And this should be evident to you when the lines snake down into the shopping aisles... I don't know what you teach in your customer service trainings, but I sincerely doubt there is a unit on "leering at female customers as they try to shop." Yes, there is a reason I avoid walking by the butcher area... If a customer is trying to purchase a gift card, and the credit card he's using to pay for it keeps getting declined, please allow the young lady behind him (who is only buying milk and lotion) to be checked out ahead of him. I swear, my milk could've gone sour in the time I stood there waiting for this man to give you his credit card number over and over and over again. I'm surprised I didn't memorize it. Then to listen to him berate his wife and blame her for the card being declined - well, that was just the icing on the cake... I know you're trying to personalize the whole grocery shopping experience, but please don't try to pronounce my last name when you hand me my receipt. It is long and ethnic. By trying to be personal, adds another 2 minutes to my trip as you try to read it in the first place, then I have to suffer through listening to you mispronounce it. I know people will mispronounce it anyway, but sometimes I don't want to bother hearing it butchered.

That's all for now. I'm tired, and I'm constantly reminded of why I always shop at Giant.


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